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To register your child for a place at Mount Carmel Kindergarten please complete the online form below.

There is a non-refundable registration fee of £50.00.  Once registered your child will be entered onto our waiting list and you will be invited to a viewing of the nursery of your choice.

Children can join the nursery in the September following their second birthday.  We group children with others in the same academic year and they stay as a class for the whole time that they are with us.

Places are offered to children in the February before the September which you have applied for. For example, for a September 2025 intake we will be allocating places in February 2025.

We offer places in chronological order from the date of which we receive the application. However, we first give priority to siblings of children at the nursery school. 

There is a minimum attendance of 3 days per week.

Registration Form

First name(s):
Child's Surname

Parent's Details


Please specify which nursery you are applying for?


Preferred no. of sessions per week
Preferred Days

Additional Information

Parent Declaration

I wish to apply for my child's place at Mount Carmel Kindergarten . I understand that the registration fee of £50.00 is non-refundable and entitles me to a viewing of the nursery school.