Mount Carmel at Home - 08/05/2020

Posted 2020-05-05 19:52:06

Welcome to Mount Carmel at Home. These sessions will enable parents to carry out fun and educational home learning activities with their children. We recommend establishing a routine and setting aside a time in day for home learning. It is preferable to do these activities in the morning when children are more alert than towards the end of the day when they can be tired and less cooperative. 

Share your child's learning with us by uploading photos and videos to their Learning Journey on Famly, by uploading on Instagram and adding the hashtag #MountCarmelatHome or posting on our Facebook page. Your child's teachers will love to see what you have been up to! 

Click here to download today's activity sheet and resources.

The sound of the week is "U" -

Theme: St Albans

Today’s activities for preschool children

Activity 1 - Paper plate problem solving

What you’ll need

  • Paper plates (or cut out circles of card/paper will work fine), 
  • colouring pens,
  • scissors.


Preparation: Cut each paper plate into quarters. On one quarter of each plate, write a number from 1-10. Then on the remaining three quarters of each plate draw groups of items (or use stickers) that add up to the number written on each plate. Eg: On a plate where the first quarter has a number 5, you might have 5 squares on one quarter, 5 balloons on another and 5 stars on the last.

Next, explain to your child that all the plates have been mixed up and need sorting out. You might need to demonstrate with the first plate to help them. It will probably be easiest to lay out all the pieces with numbers on first, then select another piece at random and count the amount of items to see where it belongs. (The photo example will make the goal clearer and you might want to show this to your child).

What did we learn?

Mathematics: Numbers – Knows that numbers identify how many are in a set, shows an interest in number problems, selects the correct numeral to represent 1 to 5, then 1 to 10 objects, counts an irregular arrangement of up to 10 items.

Activity 2 - Hot cross playdough buns

What you’ll need


Did you know, the hot cross bun originated from St Albans! A monk at the Abbey developed the original recipe, calling them ‘Alban buns’ He put a cross on the top using a knife rather than the dough strips that we are familiar with today. They are now called ‘Hot Cross Buns’ 

Get your child to pretend they have a bakers shop in St Albans! Get them to make some delicious buns to sell. This activity is lovely with play dough, and you can click here to find our recipe for making it at home. Alternatively, Mrs Connell has recorded a ‘how to’ video for you to follow at home - move over Mary Berry!

Whilst you are making your playdough, you can learn the traditional ‘hot cross bun’ song:

If you haven’t got all of the ingredients to make playdough today you could use the hot cross bun prop cards attached instead.

Counting how many they have made, giving them a price and selling them, handing the money to the shopkeeper, subtracting how many buns they have left to sell!  

Next, using the buns they have made or the props, get them to act out and sing the song, “5 current buns”

You could change the lyrics by creating different toppings “round and fat with chocolate on the top”.

What did we learn?

MD - Beginning to add and subtract.

EAD - Using props to support their role play.

Activity 3 - Eye Spy Shapes around St Albans

What you’ll need

  • Sky Scan Spotter sheet
  • Shape Scan Spotter sheet
  • A device to take photographs on
  • A device with volume with access to YouTube


A picture containing table, drawing, cup

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Invite your child to watch the Shape Song 1 and Shape Song 2: You have 5 minutes and 13 precious seconds to enjoy a cup of tea! Go! 


On your daily walk in your local area in St. Albans have a game of eye spy. Invite your child to use the shape scan spotter sheet (see attached) to find shapes in their local environment.

A picture containing game

Description automatically generatedA close up of a piece of paper

Description automatically generatedA picture containing person, child, boy, sitting

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Can your child name the everyday shapes they see? Take photographs of the shapes they have seen through their spotter and share them with us on the Famly app, through Facebook or via Instagram using the hashtag #MountCarmelatHome. 

You can also use this concept to spot many other things including letters, numbers and linking with our transport theme - even car badges - in the environment. 

When you arrive back home again invite your child to lie down on the grass and enjoy looking up at the sky! Use your sky scan spotter to see what shapes your child can see in the clouds. Can they spot any pictures?

A picture containing outdoor, cloudy, clouds, flying

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What did we learn?


We are learning to show an interest and awareness of similarities of shapes in the environment. 

We are learning to talk about the shapes of everyday objects, for example “round” and “tall.”

We are learning to use mathematical names for shapes and mathematical terms to describe shapes. 

Understanding the World:

We are learning to comment and ask questions about aspects of our familiar world such as the place where we live and the natural world.